Sunday 17 May 2020

An experiment living a life of being 'Financial Indepenence'. Part 2

We are now 6 weeks into the period of circuit breaker and already starting seeing some crazy people reacting irrationally doing crazy things. Well, I guess these group are social active people who just cannot seem to stay at home at ease with themselves. 

So what have I been doing? Apart from my works, I got more time for my passions. The thirst for knowledge knows no bound, before I finished one idea another inspiration comes. I went into the frenzy process reading every information about the solar system, there are numerous platform to seek for knowledge namely wiki, youtube and countless other articles. As usual, I can read well past meal time or worse....the midnight clock. Ops. Not too healthy.
Our human race has just managed to explore the dwarf planet Pluto and Charon in depth when the latest spacecraft flew back the planet in 2019, that really stirred me into reading everything they had found so far. Most intriguing part however are the latest findings on the Moon Titan orbiting around the Planet Saturn, it got almost the same condition as our own Earth except that it has methane sea instead of water sea. LOL. Ok, I guess really a lot of readings for past 6 weeks.

So what has been happening in the market?
Nothing much actually.

As I had mentioned before, the market has stabilized ever since the implementation of government measures. We can expected to see the market hovering around STI 2500 point for a long long time. So, don't bother bombard my phone crying why no climb no increase no rally. Come on, we are still the period of crisis and it could take 2 years to recover from it. 

Will the companies recover? It depend on how strong their cash flow and holdings. Really, cash does matter in whatever period. Whether to survive a crisis, to further grow or pay more dividend. The companies with the ability to make more cash will have more potential to stay sustainable in these competitive world. Recovery and growth takes time, with proper measures and policies. It is not an overnight affairs, some investment may take years to see it bear fruits while some may doom to fail. Prudent is vital, patience is virtue and persistent is commitment. These factors can help minimize the risks of failure but all these will still failed if we lose to ourselves- the human emotion. it is easy enough to become panic or desperate. 

Learn to control ourselves and we will be a step toward a better life. Ok, this apply to diet as well, when was the last time we cut down our sugar or salt intake? LOL.


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