Wednesday 1 November 2023

Monthly Financial Updates

This monthly report does not include any salaried income. The basis for this monthly financial review is to gauge the sustainability status of my financial independence based on the total amount of passive income received.

OMG!! I have been sick for the entire month. Medical bills eating into my pockets and drain like water. Not good!!!! I hope it does not escalate into something major. :(.

The month of October was a cold month for dividend income amounted to $418.85. But I had positioned other sources as before to boast my monthly passive income. This in addition of the rental income brings the total passive income to $4,482.17. 

My approach is always focus on building sustainable income for long term. One way is I avoid putting everything into one basket, diversified into multiple platforms to generate different sources of income. With the world now in uncertainty, recession seem looming ahead. I intent to remain caution and continue to build my war chest. 

Portfolio remain unchanged. Although the STI Index has fallen by 300 points, much of my targeted counters remain strong. So, I guess it is still not time yet. Not yet! So.....i wait.... lol.