Monday 1 April 2024

Monthly Financial Updates

This monthly report does not include any salaried income. The basis for this monthly financial review is to gauge the sustainability status of my financial independence based on the total amount of passive income received.

We renew our tenancy contract with our tenants for another year. The rental was revised to $2,200 starting in April. Just a little bit more to cover the rising inflation. Actually, base on the statistics ours rental is much below the benchmark, but we are not so dependent on rental income anyway. 

Dividend income gets a good boast amounted $6,936.90. This brings a nice end to the 1st quarter of the year 2024 with total amount of $15,696.66, that is an average of about $5050 each month. Not bad, hopefully this can keep up. 

Nothing much happening in the market. Cash holdings gets a good boast. People talking about a possible recession coming in this year. Well, let's see how it goes.