Sunday 2 June 2024

Monthly Financial Updates

This monthly report does not include any salaried income. The basis for this monthly financial review is to gauge the sustainability status of my financial independence based on the total amount of passive income received.

The month of May got a huge boast from dividend income, amount to$5,039.22. This added with the rental income total amount is $7,313.38. 

Income aside. There is something I have been planning for a long time in mind. When should I activate FIRE. It is a tempting thing and yet a frightening thought. It would means leaving a secured job and lost one source of income. And if I ever need to return to the workforce, I would definitely never be able to regain the same salary income as I am getting now. This would require come careful planning as my passive income isn't considered a lot, our household low expense enable us to maintain positive saving every month. The only thing I worry are the unforeseen things which might happens.  

Market remain quiet despite the looming possibility of the cut in interest rate. As I prepared for the future plan of activating FIRE, I would need to build a strong cash holdings.

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