Tuesday, 2 November 2021

Monthly Financial Updates

This monthly sustainability report does not include any of the salaried income. The basis for this monthly financial review is to gauge the sustainability status of my financial independence based on the total amount of passive income received

Ho ho ho, it is a new quarter of the year and I can smell Christmas coming. But....with the stubborn Covid still wreaking havoc in our world, it is going to be another cold Christmas. No events, no celebration and no crowd. Well,,,life still has to go on.

October is the last cold month for dividends payout. The month of October only obtained $120 from a small counter in my portfolio. Rental income remain stable. 

Expenses however, continue to increase. Got a shock when I visited a food court and saw the price tag of one of my favorite Malay cuisines Nasi Lemak increased from $3.50 to $5.50. OMG! That was an increase of more than 50%!!!!!! Seriously!!! I think we are in for a long run of combat against high inflation. Ah.... the fate of a small nation heavily depending on food import......

Portfolio remained unchanged. Not much happening in the market. In fact, it was dead boring. Nothing happening. The portfolio not improving. Hmm, maybe I should start looking at something else.