This monthly report does not include any salaried income. The basis for this monthly financial review is to gauge the sustainability status of my financial independence based on the total amount of passive income received.
Harvest time. Big harvest in August. Total dividend income amounted to $7692.77. Plus the rental and multiplier interest total amount to $10068.43. That,..... probably is the first time I see a 5 figure within a month.
Starting today, I am jobless. My last employment day was 1st Sept.
Rather surprising, I felt nothing when I was packing my office table. I guess there wasn't much attachments remains in that place. I spend almost 18 years of my life there. The environment has changed a lot, most of the colleagues I used to know are no longer there. Well, it is time to move on.
Working on my own stuffs at my own pace now. Also doing regular workout since I got more time to take care of myself. The efforts seem to pay off. Latest medical reviews show some improvements in my condition. Well, that is certainly encouraging. Keep it up!!!!
Portfolio remains unchanged. Now that I no longer have any income from a regular job. Cash holding is expected to grow slower than before.