This monthly sustainability report does not include any of the salaried income. The basis for this monthly financial review is to gauge the sustainability status of my financial independence based on the total amount of passive income received.
Its a cold month for dividend! The month of July was a zero month without any dividend income. Well, after a big bonus on June, July dry out. LOL.
Although I positioned a Fixed Deposit to cover for this type of cold dividend month, it got carried over to the next month, payment actually only comes in August this time. Ah well, just a few weeks delay anyway.
Rental income remains stable at an amount of $1800. Added with the DBS multiplier, the month of July passive income amounted to total of $1809.61.
Portfolio adjusted a bit for July as I decided to subscribe to the rights issues of IREIT-Global as the price offered was quite attractive. As an existing shareholder, I was entitled for a certain amount of rights issue which I managed to obtain it at the end of the month. This further increase my holdings in that company. The investment allocated was partly covered by the huge dividend payout in June, so not much changes in my current cash holdings.