This monthly sustainability report does not include any of the salaried income. The basis for this monthly financial review is to gauge the sustainability status of my financial independence based on the total amount of passive income received.
Ouch! Dividend income has taken a hit! Yet again, the impacts of Covid-19 is still pretty much evident. The month of May usually boast a larger amount of dividend. This may take some time to recover. Dividends for the month of May amounted to $2544.86 which is just enough to meet the household expanses.
Household expanses shot up due to medical expense. It has been a rather unhealthy month as 2 of my household members including myself fell sick. This may escalate to a long term medical commitment. Well, the journey of the aging process. :(
Apart from it. Rental income remains as stable as before. Aye! No delay. No hassle. And no conflicting issues occurred. Pretty impressive for its sustainability in view that it is just a normal HDB flat. I guess a 'quality' tenant counts more than just having high rental income when it comes to sustainability for consistent monthly income.
Portfolio remains unchanged as the war chest continue to increase. The market however took a hit as Singapore experienced perhaps its worst convid wave as the mutated virus wreck havoc all over the nation. For the first time since 2019, community cases occurred as clusters after clusters erupt daily. Naturally. the market didn't perform well as it dropped swiftly in mid May.