Thursday, 1 April 2021

Monthly Financial Updates

This monthly sustainability report does not include any of the salaried income. The basis for this monthly financial review is to gauge the sustainability status of my financial independence based on the total amount of passive income received.

This month marked the 11th month of me working from home due to Covid-19, almost coming to one year. As more and more people are getting vaccine, the government starting relaxing some rules on the restriction, look like this working from home arrangements might be ending soon. Well, lets see how it works out.

This month passive income were boast by a larger dividend payout to an amount of  $3564.11. There are signs of recovering in the market, but certain business like tourism are still far from recovering. My portfolio are quite well diversified, so while some are still reeling from the impacts of covid-19, others are recovering enough to enter into positive range. 

Rental income remain stable and looks to remain so for another one more year because the tenants had expressed their wish to extent the tenancy. This will certainly boast our sustainability on rental income for another one more year. Nice! 

This closed our first quarter with a total passive income of $11,575.59 which amounted to an average of $3858.53 per month. Not bad! That is well far above the monthly expenses.

Portfolio largely remain unchanged in allocation with more cash holdings now increasing each month as I no longer need to divert additional funds to pay down housing loan. 

STI is clearly recovering as it broke through 3000 STI. As the market recovers, so does my portfolio which has been on negative for most of the months last year due to the impacts of covid-19 is finally entering positive. As seen from the chart below, if anyone had entered the market during March-April last year, most likely your counters would be in positive path now. Congratulation for those who got it at the right timing. LOL.