Sunday, 17 November 2019

Mapletree North Asia Commercial Trust has taken the hits

The Hong Kong unrest has been going on for months, causing damage to public buildings. On 13th November, one of the buildings owned by Mapletree North Asia Commercial Trust ' Festival Walk' has taken some damage from the riots and was forced to close for business. Glass panels at entrance was damaged, even the Christmas Tree put up for Christmas season was burned by the protestors. As soon as the news about the damage was released, its stock price went tumble down the chart.

Why such sudden negative impact on its price?

Well, this is mainly due to the fact that 'Festival Walk' shopping mall contributed some 62% of the REIT property income. Such high concentration risk on one sector naturally raise some fears among the investors.

 The Mapletree NAC REIT has a portfolio of investments in Hong Kong, China and Japan. The entry into Japan was part of the effort to create more diversification. Despite so, the loss of the golden goose will have some impact on this REIT overall performance. As I am invested in this REIT, this certainly cost some concerns. My main goals for any investment are for long term, I could see a possible reduction in future DPU due to this incident. This shall be the test of trial on the Mapletree management ability to handle this crisis. To date, the share price has since stabilized at $1.16 after its drop. 

Sunday, 3 November 2019

Monthly Financial Updates

This monthly sustainability report does not include any of the salaried income. The basis for this monthly financial review is to gauge the sustainability of the status of my financial independence based on the total amount of passive income received.

The month of October was a cold month for dividend collection. Only two counters paid out dividends for this month. Total dividend collected for the period between January-October amounted to $26,747.81. Rental income remained stable.

This month was graced with subsides from Government which lowered down the utilities bills and town council fees. But wellness expenses went up due to reoccurring illness, judging from the condition of it, it shall be a long term commitment. Not too motivating when ones is not blessed with good health isn't it? The financial drain on wellness expenses is one of most challenging aspects in Singapore with high medical costs. Well, life has to go on. 

No trading was done for this month. Overall portfolio remained unchanged. Cash holdings continued to increase with dual income from salary and dividend.